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Future-proof your body, one movement at a time

For all bodies, capabilities and ages

Have you ever caught yourself thinking…

“Is this what life is really like?”

The short answer is no…it doesn’t have to be.

You might feel young at heart, but your joints scream your real age.

Your body feels stiff, it seems like a different muscle hurts each day and you don’t bounce back like you used to.

While painful joints may have confined your parents to a chair, that doesn’t have to be your destiny.

You can keep doing the things you love, play with your grandchildren or dance again—even into your 90s.

And my job? I’d love to support you with the steps (and small movements!) that give your body the movement ‘diet’ it needs to stay mobile and strong. Because with your body, if you don’t move it, you lose it.

Hi! I’m Petra, your movement coach!

At the age of 30 my body felt broken and I was told I’d always need to wear orthotics…

Working 15+ hours a day as a lawyer for a top Canadian firm didn’t just break my soul, it broke my body.

The 4-inch platforms that I wore all day didn’t help either. Nor did sleeping under my desk because I was too tired to travel home.

As my health deteriorated, I took to running and weight lifting, trying to “keep fit” but I just ended up with a long list of sports injuries….

Plantar fasciitis, pelvic floor issues, shin splints, hip issues, neck pain, you name it, I had it. It felt like my body was shutting down on me.

So, I quit my job and eventually learned how to move my body, all over again.


Today you’ll find me travelling the world, barefoot, with a surfboard under my arm

Movement changed my life, and now I’m on a mission to change yours

There was a time when I thought I would never be able to live the life I craved… never hike through the nature I longed to see…

That my feet would not be able to carry me.

But here I am, adventuring through life, barefoot, and travelling the world with my partner Chris. (Psst…Chris is the operational brain behind Petra Fisher Movement.)

I’ve dedicated my life to the power of movement and mobility and now I want to share 10+ years of training, teaching and experience to transform your life too.

My experience in numbers

hours of training
500 +
certifications in mobility, natural movement and corrective exercise
0 +
students (and counting)
20000 +

My certifications

This isn’t fitness. This isn’t physiotherapy.

This is movement rooted in science.

“I can get low to the ground easily. I love it down there!”

I had pain and range of movement loss in my shoulder after I overreached clearing snow from the roof of my car. This went on for a year.

As an active 63-year-old who hikes, gardens, and does yoga everyday, this was a real problem. I was constantly feeling the limitations that had settled in.

Joints For Life was exactly what I needed. Little by little, doing CARs everyday, I felt my shoulder return to normal and probably better than it was before. All my joints move so much better.

I am able to move my body with so much more ease and elasticity. I can get low to the ground easily. I love it down there! I want to be able to move in all directions freely and healthy the rest of my life.”

– Kathleen Crescenzo

If you feel overwhelmed with doing it all & don’t know where to start

Dive into your roadmap with the solution for your specific needs.

Every body is different but I’ve roadmapped the three key ways you can get started and outlined which option will best support specific problems.

Use this as the starting line to get you moving in the right direction.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s never too late to awaken your body.

It’s never too late to transform your life.

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