A joyful couple squatting together, wearing happy expressions.

Can’t Squat? This Single Exercise Will Change That!

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Have you done any squats today?

Not gym squats, just life squats.

Where you fold your ankles, knees and hips to get down to the ground so you can, you know, do something.

I bet that if everyone who says ‘No’ to this gave me a dollar, I’d make some serious coin.

And that’s a shame, because squats are a category of movement that your body requires if it’s going to work at its best. Squatting is awesome because it helps keep your hips, knees and ankles in top working condition, gives your glutes and hamstrings a solid mini-workout, and nourishes your pelvic floor.

And squats are lost to most North Americans because we stopped squatting after the age of three and started sitting exclusively in chairs. After 10-50 years of this, our bodies just can’t squat any more (even though they’re champion sitters)!

Today I’m sharing an exercise I love to help ANYONE get more of the goodness of squats into their lives.

Why Can’t YOUR Body Squat?

So there are a lot of mechanical reasons that squats might not work for your body.

Maybe you’ve got limited range of motion at your ankles (if you need to turn your feet way, way out to squat, then this could be an issue for you).

Or maybe your hamstrings won’t allow it (do you round your lower back as soon as you start dropping to the floor)?

Perhaps your joints aren’t up for deep flexion – if you feel pain in your knees or hips as you go deep, this might be you.

What if you have a pressure issue in your core? Sometimes this means that full squats are too much for your pelvic floor (if you have a prolapse, or feel heaviness or bearing down when you squat, this might be you).

And maybe you just HAVE NO TIME to squat. Because you have to work, and cook dinner, and get groceries, and check Facebook, and write Christmas cards and clean the house and MORE.

Those are just a few reasons your body and life may not get enough squatting-type movements.

The more you know your own limitations, the more you’ll be able to work on them. So take a moment right now to consider what your particular barriers are. Then pay these areas extra attention as you move forward on your squatting journey.

When You Can’t Do A Full Squat

Because most of us have some limitations in our squats, it makes a lot of sense to break down squats into their component parts. By working on exercises that improve each little bit of your squat, you eventually end up with better squatting overall.

So instead of thinking ‘I need to do a squat’ – start thinking ‘I need to do some squat prep’.  Pretty soon your squat-ability will get better.

I can’t promise that every single body will someday be able to do a full complete squat.

But I can promise that working on the pieces will give YOUR body some of the movement goodness that a full squat would bring. And that if you work on it, you’ll be creating potential for true and positive change.

One Of My Favourite Squat Prep Exercises

Now, although there are lots of exercises you can (and should) do if you want to be a really champion squatter, the one I’m sharing today is a real heavy hitter when it comes to improving your squat.

I love it because it can be easily modified for literally every body. It is possible to make it really low load – you can do it in a CHAIR – and it’s possible to use it as a way to come out of a full deep squat in a way that uses more glutes and hamstrings. I’m sharing all the variations in the video below.

I also love this because it’s easy to work it into daily life. In fact, I’m doing a variation of it right now as I’m typing this. Boom!

I do highly recommend using a half-dome – just a foam roller that’s been cut in half length-wise. Failing that, a yoga bolster or a cushion can work too. But if you’re serious about getting better movement, a half-dome is a very useful investment that will serve you well for many exercises, not just squatting.

As always, go slow and be careful – if your body tells you it doesn’t like something, then back off and give your body extra time and kindness!

More Ways To Improve Your Squat

If you’d like more ways to work on your squat, you’re in luck! Many of the exercises I teach and practice are helpful for squatting. Here are a few ideas.

For better dorsiflexion

Calf stretch


For happier hamstrings

Strap stretch

Hip Hinge

Don’t forget your hips

Hip rotation is a prerequisite for all other movements of the hips and it’s also really, really great squat prep.

And the classic squatting series from Katy Bowman

You Don’t Know Squat

You Still Don’t Know Squat

Ready To Reclaim Your Squatting Ability?

If you’re looking to restore your squat in a gentle and safe way, join my Start Squatting Challenge!! It’s completely free and designed to meet your body where it’s at (even if you can’t squat).

Click here to read more about the Start Squatting Challenge and sign up now!

Join the
Start Squatting Challenge!

(it’s fun, FREE & totally doable!)

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